Simple bamboo instruments

Crafted at home in Liverpool with simple hand tools from bamboo I harvested in private gardens in South Africa and  Germany, and some bamboo I ordered online in UK:

Eco whistle


Eco kazoo


Transverse flute embouchure hole trial


Guiro flute case


Pentatonic recorder




Unfinished panpipe/xylophone


Mobile phone stand/amplifier


Short demonstrations here:

Thanks to Bananas Media for photos and video  🙂

Starting small – bamboo whistles

As a musician, of course I can’t wait to make musical instruments from bamboo, and once you start looking into it you’ll find the most amazing bamboo music all over the world, including percussion, wind and even string instruments.

As I said, I am starting small, so here are two of the tiny bamboo whistles I crafted – I made about a dozen already but gave most of them away as presents.

bamboo whistle


Is there any smaller ‘musical instrument’ than this?

As small as they are, these whistles produce a surprising volume and apart from looking and feeling much better than plastic whistles, they are also much more durable and completely biodegradable – instead of glue I used resin from a pine tree to fix the plug and then I sealed the mouth piece with bees wax, which looks pretty and feels lovely on the lips.

So, technically speaking, these are 100% eco-whistles!